
V. Boudon-Millot (2021), “De l’absence de vieillesse à la belle vieillesse: Promesses des philosophes et des médecins”, Archives de Philosophie, 2(2), 55-68

15 mayo, 2021

Boudon-Millot, V. (2021). “De l’absence de vieillesse à la belle vieillesse: Promesses des philosophes et des médecins”. Archives de Philosophie, 2(2), 55-68.


Based on the only four occurrences of the word agerasia (agelessness) in all of Greek literature, but also on the links between agerasia and athanasia (immortality) on the one hand, and between agerasia and eugeria (green old age) on the other, this paper tries to specify how the Greek physician Galen and the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Philo of Alexandria imagined old age and, more precisely, how they defined beautiful old age. (Font: https://www.cairn.info/revue-archives-de-philosophie-2021-2-page-55.htm?contenu=resume)