Runia, D. T., Sterling, G. E. (eds.) (2024). The Studia Philonica Annual XXXVI. Studies in Hellenistic Judaism, vol. XXXVI. Atlanta: The Society of Biblical Literature.
David T. Runia, Philo’s Grand Design for His Exposition of the Law: Formal, Conceptual, and Literary Features
Katell Berthelot, Abraham, War, and Peace: The Roman Background of Philo’s Rewriting of Genesis 14 in On Abraham
Hermut Löhr, The Concept of Freedom in Philo’s Quod Omnis Probus Liber Sit and Its Roman Philosophical Context
Abraham Terian, Pronoia, Cognates, and Derivatives in the Armenian Corpus of Philo
Annewies van den Hoek, Clement of Alexandria and His Use of Philo in the Protrepticus and Pedagogue
Taman Turbinton, More Named References to Philo of Alexandria in Greek Literature
The BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION lists an annotated bibliography for 2021, and a provisional bibliography for the years 2022-24. Finally, there is a Book Review Section, reviewing 11 books related to Philo, followed by some News and Notes from the editors (Consultado en: